What is my audience?


For me this was a tough question as most of my idea’s have been centered around the brain and how everyone has different thoughts and feelings. I kept thinking maybe the audience is my family, friends or the unconscious mind and then it came to me the audience is my body and i am addressing them as the brain. I want to create an atmosphere on stage where the audience feels what i feel. I wrote a short monologue which may or may not be part of my final performance.

It tingles, the signals are being sent, first to the feet, they tingle, then the legs, they go weak, the head it spins and then you fall. I’m still working, sort of on overtime, but there is no recognition when the signals change. I’m tired , rest is needed , yet i feel as if i’m running on overtime did not even tier me, the signals change and i sleep. 

This is the mind speaking to the audience (the body) and would work for both of my ideas, hopefully creating the desired effect.

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