

My epilepsy started when i was very young, i would say about 3 or 4, at first i wasn’t believed and this wasn’t just because i was a young child, it was because my twin sister Mollie had been diagnosed with epilepsy before i had. My parents, doctors and family believed that i was copying Mollie to try and be like her, but this was not the case. When i was 11 or 12 i grew out of epilepsy and Mollie’s had gone a few years earlier, unfortunately for me , mine came back when i was 19. Through my projections i want to show images of Mollie on the screen, one with me being stood within the body, this would be at the beginning of my performance, then in the middle of the performance there will be a projection of Mollie walking towards me and then she will stand and hold out her hand, in which then i will talk to the projection about how i feel about having epilepsy still and her not. I do need to work out fine details of the performance itself, but projection will be a major point of my performance.

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