So what now?


Throughout the process of creating a solo performance, i felt nervous, excited and passionate about my work all at once. Now it is over i miss it, i feel like i have learnt alot about myself and my body by creating a performance based on me and my experiences with epilepsy, emotions came out that i didn’t even know i felt some which even left audience members crying. So what now? now i look to the future and look at performing in a different way, i would like to create more solo work based on real life experiences whether that be my own or someone else’s. Creating new ways for people to explore themselves through the method of performance.


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My epilepsy started when i was very young, i would say about 3 or 4, at first i wasn’t believed and this wasn’t just because i was a young child, it was because my twin sister Mollie had been diagnosed with epilepsy before i had. My parents, doctors and family believed that i was copying Mollie to try and be like her, but this was not the case. When i was 11 or 12 i grew out of epilepsy and Mollie’s had gone a few years earlier, unfortunately for me , mine came back when i was 19. Through my projections i want to show images of Mollie on the screen, one with me being stood within the body, this would be at the beginning of my performance, then in the middle of the performance there will be a projection of Mollie walking towards me and then she will stand and hold out her hand, in which then i will talk to the projection about how i feel about having epilepsy still and her not. I do need to work out fine details of the performance itself, but projection will be a major point of my performance.

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delicate movement


As i gradually start putting my ideas together, i can see light at the end of the tunnel. When i had my one on one meeting with Lisa i felt calmer, ideas were flowing and one that i decided i really wanted to work on was based on an exercise we did earlier in the sessions. I was told to stand  in front of the rest of the class in which then i would put my hands over my mouth and create movement when i felt the need to, in regards to the theme of my performance the delicate movements created would work perfectly. Over this movement there will  be music to which i am unsure of as of yet.

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A light bulb


scattered light bulbs around a small space and only one being lit! The visionary aspects of my performance are very important to me as well as my relationship with the audience. Basing my performance on how the brain works differently and mainly focusing on epilepsy which is something that i suffer with i feel that the vision of these light bulbs would represent the fact that during an attack in my head all the light bulbs goes of but there’s still a glimmer of light when one is lit, showing the support from people who witness these attacks.


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